4D Analytics

Monthly Comparison

Last updated: July 10, 2020

Widget size: 4 x 1

This widget displays three graphs that show this month’s usages against last month’s, typically electricity, gas and water, but can compare any 3 different parameters. It displays the month’s data against the previous months for comparison, and shows how they both stand against target.


Value Default Comment
Widget Heading Monthly Comparison Enter the name of the widget as it is to appear in the heading.
X Heading (x3) [Point Name] Edit heading for each graph.
Utility (x3) Edit the utility for each point/target.
X Drilldown (x3) A drilldown to Multiple Charts or Comparison Chart will take the user to the last 7 days of data irrespective of the date being viewed in the widget. Specify the Comparison Chart URL (comparisonChart.jsp) or the Single Charts URL (multipleCharts.jsp)
X Line Style (This Month) (x3) Line Only Select the graph style to be displayed. Line, Line and Point or Point options within dropdown.
X Line Style (Last Month) (x3) Line only Select the graph style to be displayed. Line, Line and Point or Point options within dropdown.
Refresh Period Select period to refresh the widget, or no refresh.


Drag and drop the required points for the respective plot points from the tree.